Approaching truth through fiction
Thursday, October 23, 2008 at 2:18PM
Peter Neary-Chaplin in Spiritual

As a writer I am fascinated by the power of words, and particularly fascinated by the way that we define meaning for ourselves in large measure through the words we use, and the word-meanings and associations that are embedded in our neurology.

So for me a large part of personal development revolves around language, and, more specifically, around story, metaphor and image. This story-telling gene seems part of human inheritance, one of the distinctives of being human as distinct from our primate cousins, who, as far as we know, don't tell stories. At least, not ones that we understand.Personal development is in some ways a process of telling new stories about ourselves, better stories, more supportive and positive stories than the ones we find ourselves living in at any particular time.

However, to really bring us into new horizons, the new stories must enable us to put our truth out into the world; they must say who we are, and express what we have always dreamed about for ourselves. They must have heart, and soul, and spirit; they must help us to find out and express why we are here. And when we find that out, as the sages have always said, it will be a kind of remembering.

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