We went down to the seafront at Southsea this morning to have a wander and rest our eyes on the horizon. If you know the seafront walk, you'll recall that all along there near the fort there are memorial benches. Quite a few of them today had tinsel wrapped round, or small bunches of flowers, or strings of clamshells. All done by, and for, complete strangers of course, but very moving nonetheless. We found ourselves all quiet and wistful.
So, the toast today in this house, now that we're back and safe and the fire is lit, is to the roll call of those who either gave us, or helped to make, the first Christmases that we call to mind with wonder and gratitude:
Ewen Rowland Mackenzie
Rowland Charles Mackenzie
Charles Edward Chaplin
Josephine Elizabeth Chaplin (nee Neary)
And remembering Lewis Tringham who was there for many later Christmases when my children were growing up and who is much missed today.
Virtual hugs to one and all xx