My sabbatical is officially over! Taking three months to consider and consolidate has been very useful and not entirely comfortable. The result is that I'm returning to my first love, writing, and am open for business. There are loads of people who can help you better than I can with your sizzling, ass-grabbing, results-driven marketing and sales copy, so I won't be focused there. But if you need help with something a little more creative or heartfelt, let's start the conversation.
Here's my poetic farewell to corporate life. It's also the title poem of my upcoming collection (out in May, I hope). Maybe it resonates. You could even use it as your resignation letter! (Copyright asserted and all rights reserved, of course. Please transmit this statement if you share.)
I'm Ready for my Nervous Breakdown Now
I’ve done your bloody, bloody job
for longer than I really care to count.
Dug in, dug deep, pulled your bloody plough
and every year or two or three
you reinvent the whole damned thing, again!
Last night I knew; today I don’t know how.
I’m ready for my nervous breakdown now.
Straight-faced, I’ve stayed a member of the team
and tried to bend my dream towards your dream,
but bending’s broken some unspoken vow.
I’m ready for my nervous breakdown now.
I had in mind a better plan than this:
cancer cures, or Broadway artifice,
more sapiens than homo habilis.
It all got rather muddled up somehow...
I’m ready for my nervous breakdown now.