
Entries in new writing (20)


Strange Disciple

This is Strange Disciple from my collection My Mother is an Old Elephant. It's inspired by a marginal note I found in in the gospel of Luke in an old KJV bible. The note related to the story of the man who was casting out demons in the Lord's name and was rebuked by the disciples because he wasn't one of them. That was years back, and now I don't know exactly where I found it. 

It reminds me of one of my favourite quotations from the late Henri Nouwen, the Catholic priest, writer and social activist, who said:

"When the imitation of Christ does not mean to live a life like Christ, but to live your life as authentically as Christ lived his, then there are many ways and forms in which a man can be a Christian."


Strange Disciple

Held no creed
believed in what he could believe
bending like a flaxen reed.
Blessing where blessing lacked
healed heavy souls and broken-backed.
Never knew the master’s gaze,
fought with his men
who thought they had the rights back then
not recognising whom they praised.
Spent his long days doing good
caring, mending, defending
putting heart in heartless places
winning some,
losing more
never keeping score.
Now buried with a single stone
by half-men from among the tombs
who knew a saint by smell alone
and waited for the carnival to leave
then carved his name
and beat their breast
full men at their very best.

Who was that man, he’d often thought
who threw the fire that he had caught?


Hello Smashwords!

I've just published My Mother is an Old Elephant on the Smashwords platform, which I came across recently. I have to say that this has been the simplest and most straightforward route to publishing that I have come across. An intermediate knowledge of MS Word is really all that's required. The instructions are comprehensive and clear and the book arrived first time.

And in a couple of weeks it will become available for iPhone/iPad via the Apple iBookstore, the Nook, Kobo and Sony e-readers, and most e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, Adobe Digital Editions, and others, and will emerge eventually on Barnes & Noble, the Diesel eBook Store, Baker & Taylor, and some other outlets I hadn't heard of before, including some who service Android platforms.

You can even get it in good ole PDF, RTF and plain text formats if you prefer.

So here it is! Merry Christmas!