
Entries by Peter Neary-Chaplin (205)


Goodnight, Chicago!

We're watching the death throes of thirty-odd years of Chicago School neo-liberal economics. The death of the ideology that the market can be allowed to decide how, or indeed whether, certain types of social provision will be made. The death of unbridled capitalism and the Thatcher and Reagan Darwinian philosophies of self. Perhaps we're even witnessing the death of growth as a means of providing some kind of illusory trickle-down economic effect. (In fact, the effect is more trickle-up than trickle-down.)

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Hunting God to the finish

I read this phrase in "How to Know God" by Deepak Chopra, and it seemed to me to capture absolutely the sense of pursuing God, or the source, or the light (choose your own metaphor). The stages of spiritual development that he describes in this book show a wonderful, humane understanding of the the journey that we find ourselves on, hovering somewhere between the gross material world and the world of spirit, light and truth.

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