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Father Anniversaries (3)

Later on today, I'll be part of a musical memorial and fundraising evening for my old friend Peter Dodd who died suddenly almost exactly a year ago, aged only 60. An unknown aneurism finally gave way and took away this family man and accomplished musician (hence the musical tribute).

He left behind three daughters and a widow, who have spent a lot of time and effort gathering people from all over these islands to put together this special container of laughter and, no doubt, tears. People are coming from all over the UK and Northern Ireland, bringing instruments and voices, and most importantly, memories of playing music with Pete in all kinds of strange places and in all kinds of combinations - jazz, R&B, covers for weddings, cramped corners of pubs and wine bars.

So today the father anniversary is a raw one - the first one - and belongs to my fellow players and young friends. Out final song will be Listen to the Music (Doobie Brothers), which was a special favourite of Pete's, and we've worked up the vocals to sound a bit jazzy and fluid (no-one can make that sound the Doobies make, in my opinion).

So while my own father anniversary was a peaceful recognition of an elderly man with whom I now feel completely reconciled, today will probably be quite different - tearful and joyful. And yet we are on common ground as human beings, just at different stages of our journeys. It won't be a time for wisdom and reflection - it's probably a bit too soon for that. But for compassion, certainly. And we'll be listening to the music!

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