
Entries in spirituality (32)


Sacramental or therapeutic?

I have just finished reading a book on spiritual direction (by Kenneth Leech) called Soul Friend. I do recommend it highly. He is man of great breadth and wisdom. And though the first 30 pages or so were hard to engage with for me, in the end I found his ideas gracious and expansive. Perhaps the most helpful issue that he clarified for me was both the connection between and the

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Driving Focus

I have been watching my son wrestle with the problem of getting motor insurance as a young man of only 19, and I've been really impressed with watching the way he has refused to back down in the face of madly yoyo-ing online quotations. It's clear that he is completely committed to running this car, and he is showing some serious resourcefulness in making it happen. He really wants it, and I'm doing my Proud Dad routine while I watch him beating the whole issue into submission. I've given him the whole lecture about how much it's really going to cost him, and, for sure, he has nodded and 'heard' what I've been saying in that rather detached and amused way that teenagers have when their parents try to teach them something that they don't want to learn.

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