
Entries in christianity (6)


Christmas in Palestine 2013?

What a poignant image. Will it still be like this next year, or will we see the beginning of change?

And yet I'm still reminded of a beautiful and ancient quotation from Angelus Silesius:

"If in your heart you make a manger for his birth, then God will once again become a child on this earth."


The Solace of Fierce Landscapes

The Solace of Fierce Landscapes, by Belden Lane, is one of the best books I've read in the last 5 years. It is a very moving reflection on the tradition of desert and mountain spirituality in the Christian tradition, interwoven with the author's personal experience of watching his mother die slowly in a nursing home. It has been particularly powerful for me because my own mother is towards the end of a very long and slow decline into incapacity in a care home not far away from where I live.

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