
Entries in christianity (6)


Subversive religion

What's subversive about religion? Well, not much these days, it would seem. All over the globe, religions are formed into power blocs - evangelical Christians and Jews in the US, radical Muslims in the Middle East and South-East Asia, Roman Catholics in part of Europe and South America, and, to a lesser extent, Hindus and Sikhs in India and the subcontinent. It's perhaps easier to see other people's religious beliefs as

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Losing my religion (1)

I'm probably a little slow to the races on this subject. It has taken a lot of study and heart searching over the last couple of years to arrive at my current state, which is somewhere between "recovering fundamentalist" and "reverential agnostic." I've spent a lot of time studying Dawkins too, a fine and elegant writer, with an appealing streak of humility, at times. Some of the other New Atheists, however, seem to be little more than fundamentalists themselves, absolutely intolerant of views that differ from their own on subjects about which there can be no certainty.

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