
Entries in christianity (6)


What's missing in the gay marriage debate?

The CofE has announced a consultation exercise on the live issue of gay marriage, which I suppose is a step forward. This may be simply the kind of consultation much favoured by recent governments, where the appearance of openness and listening is simply a pause for breath before absolutely nothing changes and we return to business as usual. But perhaps I'm a little cynical, and should wait for the report.

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Sacramental or therapeutic?

I have just finished reading a book on spiritual direction (by Kenneth Leech) called Soul Friend. I do recommend it highly. He is man of great breadth and wisdom. And though the first 30 pages or so were hard to engage with for me, in the end I found his ideas gracious and expansive. Perhaps the most helpful issue that he clarified for me was both the connection between and the

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